A simple and delicious recipe from Mark Bittman's NY Times Column. Being flattened produces an evenly cooked, crisp, and moist bird with little effort....
This is a basic recipe that every cook should know how to make. My family loves this with mashed potatoes and gravy. When all 4 of my kids lived at home...
From Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Very moist chicken with a rich cream sauce. The sauce is so rich that I would follow Julia's recommendation of...
The glimmering, crispy skin of this chicken dish gets its flavor from a sweet-tart blend of apple jelly and cider vinegar. Tip: To save time, cook the...
A quick and easy fix when you are having a crowd over. I fixed this for a Super Bowl Party this year. I got it from William Sonoma and then made a few...
This recipe was in our local paper several years back. It was a restaurant review of Chez Jose's. I went to the restaurant; so enjoyed this dish, that...
Based off a marinade recipe, I used this for a whole chicken that I then cooked in a broiler. Brine chicken overnight in a salt/sugar/water mix first to...
This is a recipe I got from my brother. I haven't tried it yet, but he absolutely raved about it. Preparation time does not include brining time. Author's...
An easy way to have dinner done when you get home. Also great way to make chicken for tacos or other recipes that call for cooked chicken. From Not Your...
When I was a child my Mother made "Chicken and Dumplings" that were out of this world. They approached Paradise. After I was grown and took up cooking...
The best Filipino dishes are the ones that do not have a written recipe other than the knowledge passed on from generation to another. This is one is a...
A great way to use a whole or leftover rotisserie chicken. The addition of cheese-garlic and semi soft garlic herb cheese and sun dried tomatoes enhances...
These enchiladas are amazing! I made this for a themed dinner party and the crowd went wild. They tasted as if we were at a mexican restaurant...without...
This is actually from Cooking Light, not my grandma, but it is moist and delicious and quite easy. If your chicken is on the small side, don't use quite...
This is simply the best beer can chicken I have ever had. You first rub a spice mixture over the chicken, then baste it with a delicious glaze. We've had...
I like lots of flavor to my chicken, and as with many other chefs, a high temp to start is the key for a crispy crust. I have a very simple olive oil,...
This recipe was originally from a magazine many years ago. The stuffing is great and it keeps the chicken moist. The chicken meat takes on the subtle flavours....
From The Cook's Bible (Christopher Kimball). The cooking time can vary considerably, depending on the size of your hens and the heat level of your grill....
Printed in a newspaper about 25 years ago, we have treasured this recipe. In fact, my most effective threat to set things right in the family was threatening...
I am almost too embarrassed to post this because of its simplicity, but my family loves it. I always used to marinate chicken in Italian Dressing and one...
This cold chaser has been adapted from a Bon Appetit recipe. This amount of chicken needs an 8-quart or larger pressure cooker (stove top or electric)....
I had this at a friend's house, for Thanksgiving a few years ago and I've been hooked ever since. This is the only way to roast your whole turkey, especially...
This for me is the ultimate in comfort food. My grandma who is half German used to make this when I was little in Michigan. When it was cold and yucky...
This is a Middle Eastern classic, but I must say its made best by those in Egypt! Ask anyone you know from Egypt about this and see what they say. It's...
This chicken gets its flavor from the smoke of the hickory chips, so I don't baste with a barbecue sauce while cooking this recipe....feel free to add...
From Pampered Chef, which has come out with a BBQ Roasting Pan & Can Holder, dishwasher safe. If you don't yet have the Pampered Chef roasting set, you...
French-style whole roast chicken with the most delicious creamy tarragon sauce! This is a wonderful Sunday or company meal served with heaps of fluffy...
This roasted chicken takes a little preparation and a little patience. Browning the chicken before roasting it gets a little messy. The small hassle is...
This recipe is easy enough to do on a weekday, and delicious enough to serve for a Sunday dinner. It creates a really great tasting, moist chicken with...